In a landmark ruling on December 5, 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union clarified that sufficiently significant potential restrictive effects are enough to prove violations of Article 101 TFEU—no need for concrete proof of actual harm. The case, sparked by warranty-related restrictions imposed by Kia Auto in Latvia, aligns the assessment of “by effect” restrictions with the well-established “effects-based approach” under Article 102 TFEU.
WeiterlesenSchlagwort: CJEU
CJEU’s Landmark Ruling on the EU-Morocco Agreements: The Western Sahara and Front Polisario’s Bittersweet Victory
The CJEU’s Front Polisario II ruling annulled EU-Morocco trade agreements in Western Sahara, reaffirmed the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and required their explicit consent for economic activities. It strengthened the legitimacy of the Front Polisario as their representative, but introduced a controversial ‚benefit test‘ for implied consent. Despite this legal victory, EU leaders remain committed to Morocco, highlighting the tension between law and politics.
WeiterlesenAchmea Saga: Final Say from the German Federal Constitutional Court
A Case Note from Xenia Astapenka. The author investigates the two BVerfG-orders 2 BvR 557/19, 2 BvR 141/22 from July 2024.
WeiterlesenKatz‘ und Maus? – Die “Nichtbestehens-Ausweisung” im Lichte neuester EuGH Rechtsprechung
In unserem neuesten Saar Brief beleuchten Karoline Dolgowski und Dennis Traudt die sog. Nichtbestehens-Ausweisungen im europäischen Freizügigkeitsrecht und analysieren dabei auch das EuGH-Urteil C-719/19 vom
WeiterlesenNo Legal Pathway for Asylum Seekers to the EU through Humanitarian Visas: The case of X and X v Belgium before the CJEU
[German version below] The latest paper in the E-Paper series Saar Briefs analyses the Judgment „X and X v Belgium“, in which the CJEU, contrary