Watching Big Brother – Das EGMR-Urteil in den Rechtssachen Pietrzak und Bychawska-Siniarska u.a. gegen Polen

Der EGMR entschied im Fall Pietrzak und Bychawska-Siniarska gegen Polen, dass die polnischen Regelungen zur verdeckten Telekommunikationsüberwachung, der Vorratsdatenspeicherung und des Antiterrorgesetzes gegen Art. 8 EMRK verstoßen. Das Urteil setzt hohe Maßstäbe für staatliche Überwachungsmaßnahmen und könnte auch für das deutsche Recht Reformbedarf nach sich ziehen.


Rechtsprechungsübersicht/Case Law Overview

Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Entscheidungen der letzten Monate im Europarecht und Völkerrecht mit Europabezug – prägnant zusammengefasst und auf den Punkt gebracht. Interesse geweckt? Schicken Sie uns Ihre Saar Case Note zu einem der Urteile!

Discover the key judgements in European and international law relating to Europe from recent months – concise and to the point. Are you interested? Send us your Saar Case Note on one of the judgements!


An example of EU cooperation – The EU inter-state and institutional cooperation for the annual fishery quotas adoption

In December 2024, the EU’s AGRIFISH Council finalized the fishing quotas for 2025. This Saar Brief spotlights a complex web of institutional and inter-state cooperation. The agreement balances sustainable fish stock recovery with the socio-economic needs of European fishermen, reflecting the EU’s commitment to responsible fisheries management. As the third-largest global fisheries producer, the EU faces challenges like overfishing, ecosystem changes, and socio-economic pressures. This shows the important role of collaboration in shaping a sustainable blue economy.


Prof. Thomas Giegerich: The Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights, the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the ECHR: Quartet of Constant Dissonance?

In his newest publication, Prof. Giegerich postulates that the jurisdiction over the CFSP remains limited, leaving parts of EU foreign policy beyond judicial review. This creates a rule-of-law blind spot that clashes with the EU’s fundamental values under Article 2 TEU. While EU accession to the ECHR may reduce this tension, only a Treaty revision can fully close the gap and restore the EU’s credibility as a rule-of-law champion.


Streamline of the applicable tests between Art. 101 and 102 TFEU on restrictions by effect – Analysis of CJEU Judgment C-606/23 “KIA autos”

In a landmark ruling on December 5, 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union clarified that sufficiently significant potential restrictive effects are enough to prove violations of Article 101 TFEU—no need for concrete proof of actual harm. The case, sparked by warranty-related restrictions imposed by Kia Auto in Latvia, aligns the assessment of “by effect” restrictions with the well-established “effects-based approach” under Article 102 TFEU.


CJEU’s Landmark Ruling on the EU-Morocco Agreements: The Western Sahara and Front Polisario’s Bittersweet Victory

The CJEU’s Front Polisario II ruling annulled EU-Morocco trade agreements in Western Sahara, reaffirmed the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and required their explicit consent for economic activities. It strengthened the legitimacy of the Front Polisario as their representative, but introduced a controversial ‚benefit test‘ for implied consent. Despite this legal victory, EU leaders remain committed to Morocco, highlighting the tension between law and politics.
